Cats in Hats

In honor of Dr. Seuss’ birthday, the 6th & 7th graders created animated Cats in Hats. Using an image of the Cat in the Hat without a hat that was shared by Becky C. on Elementary Tech Teachers, each student used Paint.NET to create from 3-10 different hats for the cat. Once the hats were complete, students headed over to Picasion and uploaded their images to create their animated GIF.

Which do you think are the funniest? The most Dr. Seuss-like? The most creative?














If you want to see a larger version of an animation, right click on an image and View or Open Image. You may need to use the back button on the browser to return to this page.

In addition to creating Cats in Hats, students also wrote a poem in the style of Dr. Seuss to describe their hats. If you want to check out the poems just click on any of the animated images and you will be taken to the student’s post on their ePortfolio site.

September 2012 in the Lab

It has been a busy month for 6th grade in the Computer Lab. Here’s a little bit about what they’ve done and you can check out samples of their work on their ePortfolio sites starting in mid-October.

  • Self-Portraits: Every year in the lab, every K-8 student draws a self-portrait. This year 6th Grade used MS Paint to draw their portraits and will be using these as avatars on Edmodo.
  • International Dot Day: All K-8 students participated in this event by drawing dots. Middle School students drew dots to represent how they wish to make their mark in the world and then they wrote a paragraph about their dot in Microsoft Word using MLA format.
  • Excel Crossword Puzzles: All Middle School students learn (or review) how to create a crossword puzzle in Excel. They are required to create a crossword puzzle for their October Book Report.

Weekly Opinion: Favorite 3rd Quarter Assignment

Visit your ePortfolio site and check out the assignments that you completed in the 3rd Quarter. Decide which was your favorite and add a reply to this post telling me which was your favorite and why. You are required to add the URL of your favorite assignment in the Website field of your reply.

Reasons like the following are not appropriate answers. Really think about what you liked about your favorite assignment and give a better response than the ones below.

  • It was fun.
  • I got it done quickly.
  • I didn’t have to think much.
  • It was easy.

Remember to use complete sentences and proper grammar and spelling. Enter only your first name and do not enter an email address.

Weekly Opinion: Social Media & Age 13

According to Facebook’s Terms of Service, “You will not use Facebook if you are under 13.” and according to Tumblr’s Terms of Service, “Subscriber certifies to Tumblr that if Subscriber is an individual (i.e., not a corporate entity), Subscriber is at least 13 years of age. No one under the age of 13 may provide any personal information to or on Tumblr (including, for example, a name, address, telephone number or email address). ” and according to Xbox LIVE’s Terms of Use, “The Service is not intended for use by children under 13 without adult supervision“.

Add a reply to this post and talk about why you think these sites have set 13 as the age where you are allowed to set up your own account? Do you think it is fair that you are either not allowed to use an Internet site or must be supervised on the site until you are 13 years old? Why or why not? Make sure you reply in complete sentences using proper grammar and spelling.

Weekly Opinion: Cyberbullying

You have watched the movie, Adina’s Deck Episode 1: Skye’s Cyber Bullying Mystery and now it’s time to think about what you saw and offer your opinions on some things:

  1. What is cyber bullying?
  2. Often when people are bullied online or via text messages they don’t tell their parents or other adults about it. Why do you think this is the case?
  3. If you were being bullied online or via text messages, what are some things you could do?
  4. What do you think could happen to you if you were bullying someone online or via text messages?
  5. Do you think that being bullied online has more, less or the same effect as being bullied in person? Why do you feel that way?

Think about these questions and then reply to this post and answer them in complete sentences.

Favorite 6th Grade High-Tech Hearts

Each year billions of Conversation Hearts are sold for Valentine’s Day. Since food and computers don’t mix, St. Martin’s 6th graders created their own High Tech version of conversation hearts! Please visit each of the 6th graders High-Tech Hearts posts below and then vote for your favorite High-Tech Conversation Hearts. If you are a St. Martin’s 6th Grader, vote for your favorite that are NOT yours! If you are using Google Chrome as your browser, you may get a security warning about insecure content; it is okay to load the content.

Our High-Tech Hearts

Weekly Opinion: Favorite 1st Semester Assignment

Visit your ePortfolio site and check out the assignments that you completed in the first semester to decide which was your favorite. Don’t forget that creating your ePortfolio site was also a first semester assignment!

Decide which was your favorite and add a reply to this post telling me which was your favorite and why. Use only your first name and do not enter an email address. Remember to use complete sentences and proper grammar and spelling.